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pedantic. There's nothing wrong with focusing on the details, but someone who is pedantic makes a big display of knowing obscure facts and details. Pedantic means "like a pedant," someone who's too concerned with literal accuracy or formality. The definition of pedantic is someone who is very concerned with the details of a subject and tends to overly show off their knowledge.

Pedantic meaning

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More meanings of pedantic, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations. Find pedantic translation meaning in Punjabi with definition from english Punjabi dictionary. Mar 29, 2020 Would you like to know what does PEDANTIC mean and how to easily memorize the word's meaning and definition? Memory Master  Mar 3, 2016 Rather than actual rules of language, pedantry deals in half-truths, conventions and arbitrary shibboleths which are too often used to embarrass  formed in English c.1600, from PEDANT (Cf.

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Pedantic meaning

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Pedantic meaning

Tags for the entry "pedantic" "Pedantic" has the meaning of : highly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in learning or teaching. The problem is, "pedantic" is used in a negative way, that is, it is used for some one who is "ostentatious, and overly concerned". pedantic - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with pedantic and much more. Search. Search. Definition of pedantic . The word pedantic uses 8 letters: a, c, d, e, i, n, p, t .

-pedantic: used in conjunction with -ansi, this tells the compiler to be adhere strictly to the ANSI standard, rejecting any code which is not compliant. “Pedantic” means “overly concerned with unimportant or minor rules". “Didactic" means inclined to use any subject as an opportunity to teach, to impart knowledge". A pedant will be concerned with correctness, and may want to correct your minor mistakes.
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Pedantic meaning

pedantic. A state of mind which is about caring a lot about formalities, often more than necessary.

The problem is, "pedantic" is used in a negative way, that is, it is used for some one who is "ostentatious, and overly concerned". pedantic - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with pedantic and much more. Search.
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Excessively concerned with minor details or rules · 4. Nov 2, 2010 pedant n.

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Pedantic is an adjective that means “overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.” Pedantic was first recorded in 1590–1600, and comes from pedant, a noun that used to mean “schoolmaster” but grew to mean “a person who overemphasizes rules or minor details,” or “a person 9. What does pedantic mean?

A state of mind which is about caring a lot about formalities, often more than necessary. One may be called pedantic when he/she points out corrections in unimportant details. Okay okay, so there were five people there instead of four, no need to be pedantic. pedantic. pe‧dan‧tic /pɪˈdæntɪk/ adjective.